AUBO Production
Agro Food Park
Bech-Bruun A/S
Belman A/S
Bristol Myers Squibb
Børsens Forlag
Creuna A/S
Danfoss A/S
Danish Crown A/S
Danish Radio DR
Danske Bank
Danske Advokater
FLSmidth A/S
Grundfos Electronics A/S
H. Lundbeck A/S
HMN Naturgas A/S
IBC Euroforum
IBM Danmark A/S
Kieler A/S
KNI A/S Greenland
Kromann Reumert
Marquand Media Group
Microworld/Microsoft A/S
MT Højgaard A/S
Mærsk Data A/S
Odense Robotics
Oracle A/S
JP/Politikens Forlag
Realkredit Danmark
Rønne og Lundgren
Samson Group
Syddanske Medier
Thomsens Forlag
TK Development
Post Danmark
Realkredit Danmark A/S
WM-data A/S
Aarhus Kommune
Assens Kommune
Ballerup Kommune
Danmarks Radio DR
Dansk Landbrugsrådgivning
Dansk Industri
Dansk Fisk
Esbjerg Kommune
Finanssektorens Uddannelsescenter FU
Frederiksund Kommune
Gladsaxe Kommune
Gladsaxe Kommune
Helsingør Kommune
Holstebro Kommune
Københavns Kommune, Teknik og Miljø
Lolland Kommune
Odense Kommune
Post Danmark
Region Midtjylland
Region Syddanmark
Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune
Roskilde Kommune
SCKK Statens Center for Kompetence og Kvalitetsudvikling
SKI - Statens og Kommunernes Indkøbsservice
SLF Sønderjysk Landbrugsforening
Socialpsykiatrisk Center Slagelse
Viborg Amt
Aalborg Erhvervsråd
Aalborg Universitet
Amtscenteret for Undervisning
Asmildkloster Landbrugsskole
Bornholm Sundheds- og Sygeplejeskole
Business Danmark
Business Horsens
Center for Erhvervsudvikling, Sønderborg
CVU vita Holstebro
CVU Sjælland
Dansk Magisterforening
Dansk Teknologisk Institut
Eksportklubben Østjylland
Erhvervs Væksthimmerland
Finanssektorens Uddannelsescenter
Faaborg Erhvervsråd
Forening af Chefsekretærer
Handshøjskolen i Århus
Holsterbro Handelsskole
Horsens Erhversråd
Hotel- og restaurationsskolen
IDA Ingeniørforeningen Danmark
InFinite – Innovationsnetværk for IT
Innovation Silkeborg
Jørlunde Metalskole
Kolding Designskole
Kolding Erhvervsråd
Konservative Folkeparti
Køge Handelsskole
Ledernes Hovedorganisation
Netværk Danmark
Professionshøjskolen Absalon
Randers Handelsskole
Silkeborg Erhvervsråd
SIMI Alumni Association
Skjern Tekniske Skole
Syddansk Universitet
Viborgegnens Erhvervsråd
Væksthus Midtjylland
SVP connectivity, Jesper Korsskov
“In connection with our digital transformation, we used Annabeth Aagaard as speaker, inspirator and workshop facilitator on digital business development. Annabeth is extremely knowledgeable and generously shared her knowledge and tools, and was great at getting everyone involved in the ideation process. We can highly recommend Annabeth!”
FLSmidth A/S
General manager, Mads Jespersen:
"In the context of a global R & D development process emphasizing High Performance Teams, we applied Annabeth Aagaard from KnowledgeHouse as an advisor, facilitator and development consultant. The team development processes contained several phases and activities, where pre-assessment, development seminars on mapping team values and development plans as well as follow-up activities were key elements. Annabeth Aagaard developed and implemented the process in a highly professional and intuitive manner and with great satisfaction of the management and staff.
On this background, we have decided to continue the cooperation, and have also applied Annabeth for the planning, facilitation and integration of FLSmidth's Innovation Strategy, an assignment that Annabeth has also performed with great success and creativity.
I can therefore highly recommend Annabeth to other companies, which want targeted and professional advice, facilitation and development in strategy, management and organization."
Centerchef, Kristian Jensen:
"Tryg afholdte for nyligt et seminar for ca. 100 medarbejdere og deres ledere fra 4 servicecentre i region Fyn/ Sydjylland, indenfor emnet "Forandringsledelse og forandrings-parathed". Arrangementet blev udviklet og gennemført meget positiv og professionelt af Annabeth Aagaard, med et inspirerende foredrag om forandringsprocesser, værktøjer og motivation til forandring, der blev fuldt op med aktive medarbejderwork-shops, og som mundede ud i medarbejdernes egne præsentationer af løsningsforslag.
Effekten af seminardagen var meget tydelig med en væsentlig mere positiv indstilling overfor forandrings-processen og en stor grad af medarbejdercommitment. Vi siger tak til Annabeth for en alletiders seminardag, og anbefaler hende varmt til andre virksomheder, som arbejder med forandringsledelse og forandringsprocesser."
Vice president, HR, Niels Espersen:
"We have successfully used Annabeth Aagaard & KnowledgeHouse as an advisor and facilitor on the development of VELUX's HR division and the integration of a HR KAM structure, through mapping and analysis of HR customer requirements and the development of VELUX' HR strategy. We highly recommend other organizations to use Annabeth Aagaard and the KnowledgeHouse for similar processes."
Dupont Danisco Innovation A/S
Vice President Hans Elbek Pedersen:
"Dupont Danisco Innovation has had a very positive and constructive cooperation with Annabeth Aagaard as a strategic advisor in connection with Dupont Danisco Innovation’s knowledge management integration process. The consulting has included the development of a knowledge management integration process incl. the implementation of the knowledge analysis, knowledge strategy, knowledge activities, knowledge management conference and advise on communication, knowledge systems and knowledge-sharing networks, etc. We have been very satisfied with the counseling process with Annabeth Aagaard and the KnowledgeHouse and has chosen to continue to cooperate, and can highly recommend the KnowledgeHouse to other organizations working seriously with their knowledge, leadership and strategy."
Viborg Business Counsils
Consultant, Inge Heissel Lindal:
"Viborg Business Club carried out three competence development sessions. Your Way to Growth" in the topics Innovation, HR and Stress & conflict management, and rarely have we seen such impressive evaluations. Annabeth Aagaard conveyed her message in a fantastic way and both used and provided some really good tools that the course participants can use afterwards. Based on these courses, Viborg Business established an entire HR network."
Danish Road Directorate,
Quality Coordinator Anne Marie Flensted:
"Danish Road Construction Division has applied Annabeth Aagaard as an strategic advisor and facilitator in the last few years in connection with the organization's development, implementation and embedding of a new knowledge strategy.
Annabeth Aagaard has in this process taken care of the facilitation of the strategy workshops, where she with the management team drew up the strategy and action plans. Moreover, she advised on how to establish the background information for determining the specific needs for knowledge management. Subsequently, she advised on and participated in the development of methods for knowledge management and in building system of knowledge, communication, implementation, development of toolkits and guidelines. In addition, she helped build the ambassador corps and knowledge networks as well as effect measurement etc. Finally, she advised on and participated in the launch of employee workshops spread throughout the country and follow-up on these sessions.
Annabeth is very knowledgeable on her field of expertise, she it very involved, and work both efficiently and solution-oriented, and we can therefore highly recommend Annabeth Aagaard to other companies that wants to work seriously and focused on their strategy and management of their knowledge and networks."
Kromann Reumert
Knowledge Manager Poul Jensen:
"KnowledgeHouse as a consultancy and with great success. The KnowledgeHouse has among other things contributed to the development of Kromann Reumert's knowledge strategy, participated in knowing seminars, advised on knowledge systems, competence databases, communications, knowledge ambassadors and many other knowledge tasks and skills. We have been very pleased with the cooperation and highly recommend the KnowledgeHouse and Annabeth Aagaard for organizations that want to work seriously and focused on knowledge management and competency management."
Odense Municipality
HR Consultant Henriette Schøler:
"Odense Municipality's finance departments wanted to make better use and benefit from knowledge sharing and networking. In this context, Annabeth Aagaard provided inspiration and practical tools with the inspirational lecture, "Effective knowledge-sharing and networking" as well as a networking workshop, where tools immediately were taken into use during Annabeth's knowledgeable guidance. It became effective today, where participants especially expressed excitement about the tools, that were not just presented but immediately used and linked to specific problems in their everyday worklife. Annabeth Aagaard complement her presentations with her own experiences, which makes her pep talks come very much alive and she exudes a strong commitment."
Gladsaxe Municipality
Environmental Manager, Carsten Sølyst:
"In connection with a public meeting for the Environmental Cooperation between the municipalities of Gladsaxe, Gentofte, Herlev and Lyngby-Taarbæk, Ballerup, Rudersdal and Frederiksberg, we chose to do business with Annabeth Aagaard as a facilitator with inspirational lectures and workshops on effective knowledge sharing and knowledge development. This was a good choice and a great success! Annabeth is clearly very competent and knowledgeable in this field, entertaining and positive and supplemented her lecture with a list of good and relevant business cases and useful knowledge management tools. She had prepared thoroughly about our organization and related the content specifically and directly to our daily lives. We have received very positive feedback from our employees, who are already in the process of integrating more of the presented tools. We can therefore warmly recommend Annabeth to other businesses that want professional and targeted knowledge served in an inspiring way."
Slagelse Municipality
HR psychologist Frederick Juliussen:
"For our kick-off seminar, we invited Annabeth to give a presentation about what it means to be competent, to be sharp on the necessary skills and how to ensure that you possess the necessary skills that the job requires. Her presentation was the conclusion of two days, where we had explored and dug into the methods and skills we had had the most success with in the past year and we had talked methods on a more abstract level. By extension hereof, Annabeth's presentation hit right on target!
It was a presentation, which both spoke to the management and employees in the field. During 1½ hours we were presented with 20 concrete, easy-to-use methods and tools that we could immediately go home and use. There was only positive feedback from her presentation. I would say that the reason the presentation was so successful, is largely due to her energetic preparation with focus on knowing the target audience and especially the context where the presentation is to be presented in. I would definitely recommend Annabeth to a colleague!"
Ringkoebing-Skjern Municipality
Course Coordinator Gitte Buhl:
"During the last couple of years, we have booked Annabeth for over ten courses on " Self-management and personal leadership" for our open course catalog for Ringkoebing-Skjern Municipality employees - and Annabeth gets super feedback every single time, so we continue to book the course."
Business Denmark
Marketing Coordinator, Rikke Ernst Rand:
"Business Denmark used Annabeth Aagaard as a speaker at two conferences with the theme: 'Innovation in Sales'. She really made an impact as an inspirator and toolmaker. AA focused her speech and simultaneously addressed the individual sub-segments: sales manager , entrepreneurs and 'shop floor'. The evaluations showed subsequently that Business Denmark members were enthusiastic about both the professional level of the presentation and hands-on tool that AA came with.
I highly recommend Annabeth Aagaard both as a professional sparring partner and inspiration of a very high professional level"
Copenhagen Municipality, Technical & Environmental Department
HR consultants Anne-Dorte Hesselholt and Anja Obdrup:
"Annabeth Aagaard recently gave a presentation at an after-work meeting for our leaders in the Technical and Environmental Administration, City of Copenhagen. The presentation focused on innovation and results. There is no doubt that Annabeth Aagaard has extensive knowledge of and experience with this subject. The presentation was characterized by Annabeth Aagaard active and winning persona and was both theoretical and practical in its content. We were presented with a number of tools that we can use in everyday life - which worked really well with us. The administration of Directors would like to meet with Annabeth Aagaard again to talk more to her about innovation, which sends a clear signal about the impression she left behind."
TNT Freight Management
HR responsible Rikke Janniche:
"Annabeth Aagaard conducted a very successful one-day leadership seminar in value-based management for TNT freight management. Through lectures, dialogues, workshops and presentations value-based management was made clear to everybody and concrete value actions were established. A very fruitful and constructive process, where Annabeth safely, effectively and inspiringly guided us on the way. We can highly recommend Annabeth to other companies working with value-based management."
Ringkoebing-Skjern Municipality
Director Anette Nyborg Andersen:
"Ringkøbing-Skjern municipality chose the KnowledgeHouse as a partner in five seminars on the Learning Organization for all management groups in the municipality. Director Annabeth Aagaard, who was our contact throughout the process, delivered a very professional and well-prepared product, which was tailored to our needs and requirements. Through inspired speech, practical workshops, instructive case studies and action plans learning and the learning organization was made specific and understandable concrete. The participants received both inspiration, knowledge and tools for their own work with The Learning Organisation.
Annabeth completed all course days with great commitment and enthusiasm, which also influenced the participants. Annabeth was also really good at finding the appropriate level and approach towards the participants. We recommend the KnowledgeHouse and Annabeth Aagaard warmly to other organizations that wants to work diligently with management and organizational development, and we have therefore chosen to continue working together with the KnowledgeHouse. "
DR Culture
Director, Morten Hesseldahl:
"Thank you for a very competent and vibrant presentation at our management conference in DR Culture. It was useful and inspiring and triggered brilliant feedback from the participants."
Head of Department Torben Kjær Christensen and Communications Coordinator Christian Jørgensen:
"Although we are a typical industrial company, it jas gradually dawned on us that perhaps our greatest competitive advantage sits between the ears of our co-workers. Therefore we had invited Annabeth Aagaard to give us a boost with the title "Creating results through learning, knowledge and skills". During an inspiring afternoon of presentations, workshops and dialogue, she showed how and why targeted work with learning, knowledge and skills are so important to us. Annabeth Aagaard is as a highly competent and committed representative of the knowledge sharing area who knows how to get the message communicated. We can highly recommend her to similar events."
Dansk Bank
Senior Consultant in Business Development Søren Ravn Mortensen:
"In connection with the integration of approximately 130 employees from Realkredit Danmark private market into Danske Bank Annabeth Aagaard contributed as a developer, consultant, speaker and coach of two consecutive introductory courses.. Themes of the courses were the personal transformation, shared values and cooperation agreements with new colleagues.
Annabeth Aagaard has a contagious commitment and a high degree of credibility. These qualities, combined with the content of the days' active workshops ensured that the employees and managers "bought into" the specific tools and knowledge presented to manage the change process. Our employees have expressed that Annabeth's contributions have made a positive difference for the change that they are facing. "
Centre Manager Kristian Jensen:
"Recently Tryg held a seminar on Change management and change readiness for over 100 employees and their leaders from four service centers. The event was developed and implemented in a very positiv and professional fashion by Annabeth Aagaard, with inspiring lectures on change processes, tools and motivation for change, which was followed up with active employee workshops, which resulted in the employees' own presentations of solutions.
The effect of the seminar day was very clear with a significantly more positive attitude towards the process of change and a high degree of employee commitment. We thank Annabeth for a terrific seminar day, and recommend her highly to other companies that work with change processes and change management."
Head of Department Erik Rosenberg:
Knowledge sharing is a central concept in our work with our customers. We offer solutions that aim to raise the level of information and support internal communication for private and public companies.
Annabeth's inspirational presentation for our customer day had a strong professional foundation and was extremely useful. Our goal with her presentation in the program was to give our customers concrete tools. She delivered this far beyond our expectations. She not only gave our customers something to think about, but we at VisioSign got a lot out of her presentation. With simple tools, she has been a source of inspiration for getting several initiatives started internally.
It was a pleasure to work with Annabeth, who was welcoming, knowledgeable and professional. We are working to find a framework where we can use Annabeth in the future to shed light on related or similar topics, within knowledge sharing, for our customers and ourselves.
Professionshøjskolen Absolon
Chef for uddannelsesservice, Anne Christiansen:
In connection with our employee seminar, we had chosen Annabeth Aagaard as speaker and inspirer on 'Self-management and personal effectiveness'.
Annabeth has great experience and a wealth of good and relevant tools, which she graciously shared. Based on this, we subsequently worked on developing our own guidelines for effective meetings and personal effectiveness.
We can only highly recommend Annabeth!
HMN Naturgas
Personnel Manager Kirsten U. Juhl:
"At our annual staff policy meeting we had invited Annabeth Aagaard to give a talk to us about effective and targeted competence development. She gave us a tremendous peptalk and inspiration for our further work. In a combination between her great knowledge and presentation of a variety of business cases and hands-on tools, Annabeth made this quite complex concept relevant and tangible for the audience. With her positive and direct profile, she created enthusiasm and dialogue and gave us a 'push' in the right direction. We can highly recommend Annabeth to other companies who want knowledge and inspiration on a high level."
Manager Distribution Sector, DK, Uffe Byskov:
"We applied Annabeth Aagaard from the KnowledgeHouse for inspiration through a lecture on 'The happy working life' - the participants were executives from some of Denmark's largest companies. The lecture was held at Falsled inn and and Annabeth contributed with inspiration, insight and practical tools targeted at the participants. We received very positive feedback from the participants and we can highly recommend Annabeth Aagaard for similar events."
H. Lundbeck A/S
Executive Vice President, Peter Høngaard Andersen:
"The research area of H. Lundbeck A/S have in connection with a major transformation worked intensively with culture and innovation. We used Annabeth Aagaard from KnowledgeHouse in the strategy process, which acted as a strategic advisor and development consultant. This work was one of the three pillars of our current strategy, 'Lundbeck Research'. Annabeth conducted in connection with this process initial internal innovation analysis of status quo and subsequently, in cooperation with the management group, development of a Lundbeck specific innovation strategy.
This innovation strategy was over a longer period integrated with the employees and subsequently modified based on input from here. Afterward, Annabeth along with the management team were responsible for the implementation of strategy across the organization, as well as subsequent effect measurement. Based on the successful transformation that the Lundbeck's research organization has been through in the last couple of years, I can highly recommend Annabeth Aagaard and the KnowledgeHouse to other organizations that want to work seriously and focused on innovation, ideation and the development of innovation strategies. "