Welcome to KnowledgeHouse
KnowledgeHouse is a research-based consultancy providing consultancy, management training, workshops and lectures to Top100 Danish companies as well as SMEs.
The core competencies of the KnowledgeHouse are:
Strategy and business development
Digitalisation & Digital transformation
ESG, sustainable business and green transition
Innovation and innovation Management
Change Management and transformation processes
Knowledge Management
Organisational development and social capital
KnowledgeHouse provides targeted and strategic consulting, training, lectures and peptalks to all types of organisations, their managers and employees and on both the strategic, tactical and operational level of the organisation.
All our consulting, training and lectures are always developed in close collaboration with the customer and are based on best industry practice and the latest research. The training and lectures provided are always targeting the company’s business goals and strategies as well as it’s corporate values and culture and communicated in a language that the company and its’ employees understand and
KnowledgeHouse applies the 'train-the-trainer' concept, which implies that all modules are implemented by the KnowledgeHouse and with the training of internal consultants to support a continuous effective and successful implementation and integration.
Our experience shows that this method can help to increase successful integration in the long run, as employee involvement ensures motivation and a long-term anchoring of the changes that the program is targeting. At the same time this method helps save costs for the company, as it can undertake some of the tasks of implementation and deployment with their in-house staff.
Annabeth Aagaard also participates as a board member, columnist, moderator, facilitator and coordinator of seminars, exhibitions and conferences.
Annabeth Aagaard is fluent in (American) English, as she has studied at Stanford University during her PhD and has lived in California for several years. She has always worked in international environments in LEGO and H. Lundbeck and through her international research career.
If you would like to book Annabeth Aagaard as a speaker for your next seminar, you can do so directly or through Denmark’s largest speaker agency, Athenas.
Om Annabeth Aagaard
Aagaard Aagaard holds a PhD in Pharmaceutical & Biotech Front End Innovation in collaboration with Aalborg University, Stanford University and H. Lundbeck A/S and has a Master's in Business Administration. She has worked for twenty years in management, strategy & business development, sustainability, digitalisation, innovation and communication as a leader, project manager, strategic adviser and scientist across both private and public companies.
She is a Professor at Aarhus University, AU BSS, Center for Small and Medium-sized Companies and was for seven years the founding director of Interdisciplinary Centre for Digital Business Development (DBD) at Aarhus University. She is an active industrial researcher in digital and sustainable business development and innovation and has published extensively in internationally acclaimed and peer-reviewed scientific journals across her research interests and has written a vast amount of columns and articles for newspapers and business magazines on management, innovation, sustainability and digitalisation across sectors and contexts.
Annabeth Aagaard has published the following books:
“Business Model Innovation - Game Changers and Contemporary Issues, Palgrave Macmillan (2024)
“The Changing World of Mobile Communications - 5G, 6G and the Future of Digital Services”, Palgrave Macmillan (2024)
“Business Models for Sustainability Transitions”, Palgrave MacMillan (2022)
“Digital Business Models – Driving Transformation and Innovation”, Palgrave MacMillan (2020)
“Sustainable Business Models – Innovation, Implementation and Success”, Palgrave MacMillan (2019)
“Sustainable Business - Integrating CSR in Business & Functions", River Publishers (2016)
"CSR med succes - fra teori til practice", Gyldendal Business (2012)
"Idea and Innovation Management", Gyldendal Akademisk (2011)
"Innovation and Entrepreneurship", Hans Reitzel (2011)
"Dansk ledelse i særklasse", Ankerhus (2010)
"Idéudvikling", Børsens Forlag (2008)
"Skab resultater - gennem læring, viden og kompetencer", JP Business Publishing (2005)
"Viden i bevægelse - på vej mod den vidende virksomhed, Børsens Forlag (2003).
Furthermore she has co-authored a number of book chapters for management handbooks in Business modelling, Innovation Management, Sustainability, Knowledge management, Public management, Change management and HRM.
You can also meet Annabeth on social media:
LinkedIn group – CSR, sustainable innovation and social entrepreneurship (CSISE)
LinkedIn group – Digitalization and digital business models (DDBM)
The vision of KnowledgeHouse is to provide our customers and partners with knowledge, training and consulting that changes and improves the way they do business and create superior, sustainable and competitive results through the implementation of targeted strategies, sustainable business choices, innovation and new technologies.
We pursue our vision through our values and the following four mission statements:
We want to be the leading partner and supplier of research-based strategic consulting for European companies and organisations.
We want to be the strategic partner of board of directors and senior management in developing their ESG, sustainable and digital business and strategy.
We want to create relevant research that helps Danish companies develop and implement ESG and sustainability and digitalisation as the core of their strategy, business development and innovation.
We want to establish and share our knowledge of best practices through our strategic consulting, training, lectures, workshops, and projects as well as through the production of book publications, scientific and public articles and columns.
All activities, collaborations and operations of KnowledgeHouse are based on our four core company values, which characterise how we do research, collaborate, engage and develop as an organisation. These values serve as our daily guidelines for our dialogues, collaborations and interactions with people and organisations.
1. Quality
We seek and apply the newest research and knowledge, the most competent partners and the most potent combination of methods and approaches to ensure the highest level of quality and innovation of our solutions.
Value in action: we evaluate all our solutions and results together with our customers to ensure the highest quality and for us to continuously learn and develop as an organisation.
2. Customer centricity
We put the customer first by starting from where the customer's organisation is now and where it wants to go.
Value in action: we identify development areas and needs together with the customer to tailor a prioritised model of solutions to meet the customer’s strategy, requirements and expectations, while ensuring optimal integration of the solutions throughout the organisation.
3. Innovative solutions
We develop new, tailored and innovative solutions for our customer through the optimal integration of the latest research, empirical knowledge, partners and approaches.
Value in action: we continuously perform and explore international research and dissemination of knowledge and collect best practices across industries and solutions.
4. Sustainability
We ensure sustainable results for the customer by assessing the company's development based on the three Ps (people, planet & profit) and select the best and most sustainable solution in the short and long term.
Value in action: we are a sustainable company that takes an active stand in ensuring a more sustainable future through the three P's - People (e.g. mentoring and developing of green start-ups, sponsoring NGOs), Planet (e.g. only electric and public transportation) and profit (developing sustainable business results and philanthropic activities)